The Catalyst Club!

The micro membership for time poor women in business

Get out of the Cycle of Stuck and grow your business one bitesized step at a time

Join for $37!

It's time to break the Cycle of Stuck and maximise your time!

You might think you need to invest hours and thousands into your business to gain momentum, but that is not exactly true.

Progress can be made in bitesized steps. That don't cost a fortune and suck up all of your time!

Consuming too much content can actually keep you stuck.

You have probably dabbled in traditional support:

👉Signed up for a masterclass.

👉Bought a course.

👉Downloaded the audio book.

👉Binged the podcast.

But you keep falling short of implementation and instead find yourself totally overwhelmed!

Stop investing precious time and money into something you will never implement.

Meet the Cycle of Stuck. Where you consume content that never actually gives you the momentum and results you desire!


Join for only $37!

 Traditional entrepreneurship education is not designed for the time poor- it actually perpetuates the cycle. 

Time is your most precious resource, but the big names in the online space don't recognise that it is a scarce luxury. Often value is emphasized over length of time. The logic is, if it packs a punch with value, then surely it is worth the time. But that just isn’t true for you.

  • How many one hour masterclasses have you signed up for?
  • How many workbooks have you downloaded that made you freeze?
  • How often do you feel like a strategy is just TOO much for what is on your plate right now?

There is a reason you are struggling to implement.  What you’re consuming is actually contributing to your overwhelm and analysis paralysis! 

The fact is most time poor women don’t know where to invest the little time they do have in their business.

 🚀My vision is for you to grow your business with micro strategies that feel easy and exciting! 🚀

Join now and break the cycle of stuck!

Does this sound like you?


💔 You feel stuck and unfocused.

💔 You sit at your desk and fall into procrastination.

💔 You are constantly reacting and putting out fires.

💔 You always feel behind.

💔 You get overwhelmed by your goals.

đź’” You are regularly frozen by analysis paralysis.

💔 You choose to never implement because you can’t do it perfectly.

Your are likely trying to keep up with lots of trainings and videos, spending a lot of time in your business "watching" and "learning"- but not necessarily doing!

It doesn’t have to be this way! We can get you out of The Cycle of Stuck. That's exactly why the Catalyst Club has a unique design!

 Imagine the possibility:

âś“ You take action towards your goals

âś“ You invest your time wisely

âś“ You are confident on your next steps

âś“ You no longer get frustrated by your lack of momentum

âś“ You get the support you need

>> Hey there, I'm Tori Kopke!

Living in the bush, chasing kids, escorting tractors, coaching clients.. It’s how I live every day.

I run my business with only 5 hours of childcare a week- everything else fits around my 18 month old’s day sleeps. I know what it means to run a six figure business (without the luxury of time).

I empower women with actionable and practical strategies to grow their businesses on extra tight time budgets.

 What would your business look like if...

✨ You identified the tasks that actually made you money

✨ You knew exactly what you needed to do to hit your goals

✨ You set insane boundaries that served you and your clients

✨ You gave yourself permission to take imperfect action

✨ You were unapologetically ambitious

✨ You broke the Cycle of Stuck✨

Wondering why you are struggling to get results?

Here area few reasons:

You get frozen by perfectionism.

Perfectionism is our biggest enemy in business. It can trigger inaction and imposter syndrome. If you are a recovering perfectionist, you are likely spending hours adjusting words in your social media captions, fiddling over pricing, procrastinating in Canva. Because you would hate to put something out to the world that isn’t 100% *perfect*. 

Analysis paralysis takes over.

There are SO many options. And you want to ensure you only implement the strategies that will work for your business. You spend all of your time weighing up the pros and cons, considering the outcome of every decision. You are frustrated that you don’t know which direction to take- so you then spend even MORE time researching, which does the opposite of bring clarity, it brings even more overwhelm and information.

You fall into the trap of consumption vs doing.

You feel like you are constantly working. Your brain is working overtime and all your thoughts are wrapped around your business. You keep listening to expert advice, you keep binging the podcasts, you keep learning new strategies.

But your business isn’t growing. You only feel like you are constantly working, because you are making the mistake of constantly consuming (rather than just doing!).

It's time to break the Cycle of Stuck.


The Catalyst Club

The micro membership for the time poor

This is the membership for the time poor. The one who wants big things. But doesn’t have a huge amount of time. You’ve been in the Cycle of Stuck for too long. You are ready to break through and taste the success you’ve been dreaming about.

The Catalyst Club is for traction and momentum with practical and actionable bite sized strategies.

Combining mindset and action, this is a cohesive system to get you moving.

We focus on setting goals and moving the needle in your business. Identifying those high priority tasks, working in your zone of genius and maximising your impact in your business.

Covering everything from mindset to outsourcing. This is what you have been looking for.


âś“âś“ A strategy instead of throwing spaghetti at the wall

âś“âś“Feeling totally supported in your business

âś“âś“ Someone completely invested in your results

âś“âś“Somewhere to go when you are feeling stuck

âś“âś“ Monthly growth opportunities

 âś“âś“ Creating sustainable and healthy business habits

A micro system for momentum

Micro Masterclasses

Private Podcast

Quickfire Coaching

Template Vault


Why micro?

Micro = momentum. You aren’t spending all your time learning. You spend more time doing! 

Results in business come from action. They come from deep belief that done is better than perfect. And they come from working on your business- not just in it.

Micro means you can work on your business little and often. Instead of letting everything pile up (along with the overwhelm!)

Start learning differently

The Cycle of Stuck

❌ Consuming tons of content to try to gain clarity and momentum

❌ Getting overwhelmed by all the information you're consuming

❌ Falling into analysis paralysis and not knowing what to do first

❌ Not implementing anything because you can't do it perfectly

❌ Getting frustrated by the lack of traction and growth

The Catalyst Cycle

✔️ Consume short sharp specific bits of content

✔️ Less information leads to less overwhelm

✔️ Understand the exact actions you need to take to move forward

✔️ Create a mindset of action over perfectionism

✔️ Celebrate your growth and do it all again!


Join now!

It's time to break the cycle and get the momentum you desire!

Topics for Traction

Pricing and Sales



Systems and Efficiencies

Vision and Goals


Bitesized strategies focused on:

>> Money making activities

>> Scaling while serving

>> Imperfect action

>> Creating a full pipeline

>> Actioning your big vision

>> Gaining expert status

>> Client attrtaction and sales


Micro Masterclasses

Based on The Catalyst Cycle, each month we have two masterclasses. One is mindset focused and the other is action focused. They are 15 minutes or less, designed to pack a serious punch. Micro masterclasses designed for momentum.

Private Podcast- Business Bites

A weekly private podcast with episodes aligned to work next to the masterclasses. Keeping your content consumption to a minimum while inspiring you to take action and grow! Each episode is 5 minutes or less.

Quickfire Coaching

Answering up to 10 of your questions in 10 minutes or less. You have the opportunity to submit questions at any time, getting direct feedback on where you are in your business.

Template Vault

Access templates and resources designed to get you moving quickly. Think Canva templates for you to customise. Workflows for you to implement. Spreadsheets for you to adopt. No more starting from scratch!

Facebook Group

A space to share, a space to celebrate! Prompts to keep you on track and a supportive community to keep you moving forward. 

Join for $37!

Who is this program for?

This program is for you if:

>> You are lost in the weeds

>> You want to run your business with efficiency 

>> You spend more time thinking rather than actually doing

>> You want to do more with the little time you do have


The results you crave:

>> Forward momentum, taking specific actions towards your big beautiful goals

>> Clarity around what steps to take right NOW in your business

>> Tools and advice to move you forward faster

Frequently Asked Questions


âś“ Tackling your overwhelm

âś“Shifting your analysis paralysis

âś“ Growing your business in a fun and easy way

âś“ Taking time to work ON your business

âś“ Having an incredible support system


So much value...

in a bite sized monthly membership.

The Catalyst Club

âś“ 2x Micro masterclasses every month

âś“ Ever evolving template vault

âś“ Private Facebook group

âś“ Quickfire coaching calls

âś“ Weekly private podcast


Pay annually


*Price in AUD. GST included

Save $45 and receive a [BONUS] 1:1 Coaching Call

YES! I am in!

Pay monthly


*Price in AUD. GST included

Charged monthly